Cyber espionage – What to do?
Imagine someone reading your secret diary, eavesdropping on your private conversations and even your bank details in...
This way you can protect your drone
Is it a bird? Is it an aeroplane? No, that’s not it. It is a drone, that you see more and more in the air these...
WhatsApp Fraud – What is it? And what do you do about it?
Thousands of people are victims of WhatsApp fraud every year. Cybercriminals assume the credible role of your best...
This way you can protect yourself against DDoS attacks
The internet does us a lot of good. Unfortunately, in recent years, all the good has increasingly given way to the bad....
This way you can protect yourself against your ISP
We all use the internet every day. Whether it’s to order new shoes or to scroll on social media. The internet...
30 days reflection period
BUY NOWThe 5 Eyes, 9 Eyes and 14 Eyes Alliances – How Do They Lead to Our Privacy?
We value our privacy more than ever before. Unfortunately, we also live in an era in which privacy is no longer...
Are you a student abroad? This is why you need a VPN!
It is quite exciting to move abroad but also very cool. You explore a new country, make friends for life and start a...
This way you can safely scan a QR code
QR codes have been indispensable for a while now. Walking down the street or flipping through your favourite magazine,...
What is a data breach and what are the dangers of a data breach?
Now that the new year has started, we will work en masse with good intentions. The fireworks goggles can go back in the...
The difference between the surface, deep web, and the dark web
For years, the internet has been our rock. What’s funny is that we can compare the internet to a rock. Well, with...
Cryptojacking – what is it and how can you prevent it?
With cryptocurrencies more popular than ever before, cybercriminals have come up with a new revenue model that allows...
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