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Online anonymity? This is how you hide your IP-address!

When you are connected to the internet, you will be assigned an IP address from your internet service provider. This is used to be active on the web, to view emails and to stream movies. Your activities can be derived via your IP address. With this you can trace a person or company. To surf anonymously on the internet you have to hide this. There are different methods for this. For example, it is possible to use a so-called proxy, a Tor Browser, someone else’s network or a VPN.

Using a proxy

There are thousands of free proxy servers that you can use to hide your IP address and thus use the Internet anonymously. Browsing through the use of a proxy means that you do not visit an internet site directly, but indirectly. There is in fact a computer between, which functions as a lock between you and the web address. This way your IP address remains secret for the visited server.

Using the Tor Browser

Tor Browser is a free software program that allows you to remain anonymous via various computer networks. It is a free browser that in terms of user-friendliness is comparable to Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera and Chrome. With Tor you keep your IP address hidden from the outside world. You have several clients that you can download for operating systems like Windows, Mac OS, Linux and even Android. Keep in mind that because of using the technique of ‘onion layers’, Tor makes the internet experience slower.

Someone’s network

Alternatively, it is possible to use Wi-Fi service in an internet café, hotel or other public locations. An IP address does not travel with your computer, but is assigned to the router in the area where you access the internet. To find out what your current IP address is, you can visit the GOOSE VPN safety check. The use of public internet is not without risks, for which VPN offers a solution.


When your computer is connected via a VPN provider, you will be assigned a new IP address. Unlike a proxy server, a Virtual Private Network (VPN) encrypts your internet usage. By using GOOSE VPN you can change your IP address to keep data safe and private, for example at the university or in an internet café.

Internet traffic runs via the VPN network, so that your real IP address from the internet provider is never visible. Some search results you not only want to keep hidden from your partner, but also from your provider. VPN also offers a solution.

In addition to hiding your address, you can also use a GOOSE subscription to bypass geo-restrictions associated with your IP. This makes it possible to use the American Netflix or BBC iPlayer for example.

Finally, VPN ensures that your IP address is not connected to downloading Torrents. There is no copyright organization that can impose a fine based on your download history. This allows you to test a game just a little bit better before you buy it.


If you want to hide your IP address, want to remain anonymous or if you want to use streaming services from abroad, then GOOSE offers this possibility. GOOSE is a Dutch VPN provider, so customer service can help you in Dutch.

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