Dutch politicians hacked by journalists. Are you secured yet?
There’s a lot going on concerning hacking computers. The American elections seem to have been influenced by hackers and in our own country it appears that journalists can easily hack the accounts of politicians.
Is our account safe?
When you read about the accounts of both big politic parties in the USA, it has to have been organized by foreign hackers. The best hackers have most likely been hired to do this, because you have to be quite capable to break into such a heavily secured account. So, why should I worry? We have a security program and therefore I am probably protected against outside dangers, right? And then we see on TV that two journalists of Dutch TV channel RTL have hacked a whopping nine Dutch parliament members, that’s quite scary! Especially when both journalists have declared that if they can do it, anyone can do it. They seem to have made use of passwords that are circulating the Internet. Add to this that most of us are predictable. We use birth dates and names of our own and the children as passwords. Some take the name of a favorite pet. Rarely do people make it any more complicated. So, the question “Is our account safe?” will therefore have a negative answer for a lot people.
What to do?
It’s kind of similar to something that isn’t common anymore nowadays, something that was completely normal a couple of years ago. The back door of every house used to be open, that is where you entered the house, the front door was for strangers. This has changed drastically. Our houses now have additional locks and security to prevent burglary. Now the front door is where you knock, even in case of friends. You can compare this to hacking. Hackers usually come in through the back door. This also happened with the politicians, that opened the door through a LinkedIn or other account. In other words, creating a new password is fine, but no longer sufficient. We have created an entrance in so many places. On social media, email accounts, accounts with stores or companies. Or with organizations that we are involved with, such as NS, ANWB, electricity company, insurance company and many others. Therefore we should ask this important question: “What can or must we do to prevent hacking?” What options do we have and what will it cost?
Virtual Private Network
There is a solution for this problem. Where one person is hacking, another one is plugging the new holes. This is how protection against burglars is created, whether in home or an account. Add to this that cyber crime is ever growing and as a normal user, you literally don’t stand a chance. Thanks to VPN in other words Virtual Private Network this is over. Those who have a VPN account, are well protected against hacking. Of course such a powerful weapon does not help when you reveal your details or information. Such as people often do on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. There are plenty of people who let everyone know that they have left for a sunny vacation for the next two weeks. Ideal for burglars to go and take a look.
Close the door on burglars.
So always be careful with what you do and don’t put online, that is a very strong weapon against burglary. Would you like to learn more about the services of GOOSE VPN? Click on this link and discover all the benefits!