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The necessity of a 100% no-log policy

The Internet: it is something without which we cannot live anymore, both as individual users and within companies. The Internet has made the world that we know smaller and yet, simultaneously, larger, exactly because of the innumerable possibilities it offers (on the private and on the business field).

This great expansion of the Internet provides, naturally, also for the existence of many more risks that come with it. Security and protection are often in short supply on the Internet and many people (or at least their surfing behavior) are tracked without their knowledge. At the same time, many people are aware of this and are looking for ways to once again ensure their online security and anonymity.

A VPN connection, or Virtual Private Network, is the perfect solution for this: where a connection with the “regular” Internet can never fully guarantee the security of surfing data and personal information, this is very well the case with a VPN. With such a connection, there is always a mention of a so-called “tunnel” through which all online data is guided. The result? An Internet connection that is impossible to trace and which thus offers much more freedom for users.

Attain anonymity with a VPN

More and more people choose to set up a VPN connection instead of a simple Internet connection and this happens because such a connection makes you anonymous – so to speak – as an Internet user.

Nowadays, it is not difficult at all anymore to surf anonymously, surely due to the great offer of VPN services. Each Internet user possesses a certain IP address that gives information about the geographic location of this user. In this way, it can be determined which content (such as websites and online programs) can or cannot be viewed. For example, someone from the Netherlands may not be able to visit a Russian website because his or her IP address makes it impossible to do so.

A VPN connection, however, circumvents these geographic restrictions by giving the user a new IP address from a country of his choice. Services such as GOOSE VPN make it in this way possible to visit American online programs and websites, even if the user is located in the Netherlands. The result? Online anonymity and thus more freedom.

100% no-log policy VPN.1

The importance of a no-log policy

There is of course always the risk with such a connection that third parties (such as the government or other official entities) retrieve information about which websites and programs you have visited or donwloaded as an Internet user. Even if your actual Internet behavior remains hidden, it is not impossible to know exactly where you are and what you do.

Many VPN services have, however, a solution for this: a no-log policy. This policy actually entails a simple guideline: all surfing data and history of Internet users (who are connected via the VPN server) are immediately removed so that nobody can learn what exactly this person has been doing. If a government authority requests data from the VPN provider about the browsing history of a given user, they will thus come back empty-handed: the provider itself does not possess this information to begin with.

The result of course is that you as a user of a VPN connection can always be sure of optimal online security and that third parties can never fine you for websites or programs that you have used in the past.

Why is a no-log policy so essential?

Online security is currently in short supply, that much is clear. VPN services offer Internet users the possibility to still enjoy privacy and protection against third parties by routing all Internet traffic via a closed virtual tunnel. In this way, browsing does not only become safer but also much more pleasant.

The no-log policy helps with this because all data about the Internet behavior of a user are removed. Whereas this information normally remains always available (and the risk of fines is thus also much higher), this policy ensures that you as a user of a VPN connection will never have to worry.

VPNs such as the GOOSE VPN service guarantee privacy as well as protection for an agreeable price so that you can surf on the Internet without worries and you can enjoy, besides more freedom, also more protection against third parties and hackers. Both points only contribute to your Internet experience and are, therefore, a priority.

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