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Encryption, you won’t notice a thing

Those who visit the internet are at risk. Moreover; the danger is constant. Hackers, for example, can easily see what you are doing, which websites you visit and can view the files you have submitted – with, for example, company-sensitive information. Still many people do not think about it at all. Every time they go online and send files, they take huge risks. And that while it is not necessary at all.


WhatsApp has proven it for years: encryption is the way to share messages safely. Messages that can only be read by the addressee (and sender of course). Admittedly, it is possible to intercept a WhatsApp message. You won’t have anything to read, however. WhatsApp sends encrypted messages, and without the required ‘key’ you can intercept the message, but never open it.


Encryption. The magic word for those who want to access the web safely and also want a certain amount of online anonymity. For those that are not pleased by prying eyes. The core of the encryption principle is that only the sender and recipient have a key to open a message. Hackers are sidelined, just like governments and companies. For the sake of clarity: in addition to text messages, photos and videos are also sent encrypted, as are audio messages. If you send encrypted messages, you do not have to worry about the information getting into the hands of third parties. A reassuring thought. After all, nobody is happy with private or business data suddenly appearing out on the street.

VPN Encryptie


Those who are frightened by the insecurity and the pitfalls of working online must immediately take action. Because by using a VPN connection you exclude the risks and your privacy is guaranteed. At least this goes for those who use a paid VPN service. A VPN connection gives the user encrypted and redirected access to each network and thus guarantees your security. Think of it like this: you have a firewall that protects the data on your computer at home or at work, a VPN service is the protection of your online data. It sends your data through a tunnel first, where your data is encrypted.


As a user you do not notice a connection with a VPN. You can use your computer in exactly the same way as you are used to. Nothing changes. A Virtual Private Network does its work in the background. All your online traffic is encrypted. As a result, nobody can see what you are doing on the internet. A VPN server also handles the online traffic. In other words: you are visible online via the IP address of your VPN server and not with your own IP address. As a result, nobody can even find out where exactly you are.

Those who use a good VPN service are safe. What you do and where you are? That is only known to you, especially if you choose a VPN server in a country where no logs need to be kept for the authorities. So you leave no trace online and you know that all your data is safe. Encryption therefore stands for security and anonymity. A must, especially if you use unsafe public Wi-Fi networks. Because precisely those networks are a safe haven for hackers and others who want to know what you are doing online or want to see your data.

Want to know more? GOOSE VPN is happy to help you further and is especially there for the ‘non-technical’ user (the crowd) and can easily make clear which VPN service is suitable for your online activities. GOOSE VPN is happy to help you on your way to a secure, user-friendly and simple VPN service. Sign up for GOOSE VPN with a 30 days money back guarantee.

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