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Cybercriminality: Fiction or fact?

“Big Brother is watching you.” George Orwell already predicted in his book ‘1984’ that everything you do will always be monitored. In this case, not by a totalitarian regime, but by hackers and other cybercriminals who can easily access personal information online through hacking. In some cases, they are even made public. So be careful about personal information that you put on the Internet, because there will always be people with bad intentions or who just want to prove that your security isn’t waterproof. Think about what happens when, for example, municipalities would not know what the rules are about sharing personal data or when hackers make state secrets public. The consequences of cybercriminality cannot be overlooked, because you may be blackmailed with certain information.

Cybercriminality at its best

Much personal information on the web can easily be found or tracked down. You have probably at least once received spam mail in your inbox and wondered how these spammers found out about your email address. When the spam bot network Onliner was discovered, it appeared they had stored more than 711 million email addresses in their database. These addresses were all used to send spam. The trap of this Cybercriminality consisted out of sending out emails with attachments to all email addresses they found through a vulnerability on sites like Badoo and LinkedIn. When you clicked the attachment, the hackers were made aware of your IP address and tried to steal your bank details. Emails with this form of spam are also called “phishing emails”. Never fill in your private details when you received spam.

Hacking series and films

Recently, the online protection of movie & series providers such as Netflix and HBO has also proved to be quite upsetting. A group of hackers leaked the latest season of Game of Thrones. In addition, personal data such as administrator login names were published online. Those who are involved in such activities and commit themselves to cybercrime are often immensely cunning. They subsequently request the streaming services to pay a huge amount of money. Bitcoin is the method of payment, and only then return the digital goods to their rightful owner.

Go with security, go with a VPN

Unfortunately, cybercriminality does not only occur in books. Nowadays, it is one of the biggest problems we have to face. How can you ensure that you can remain anonymous online? By always using a VPN. VPN stands for “Virtual Private Network”. You set it up to establish a secure network connection. You can access the Internet while your anonymity is guaranteed. Nobody can see what you’re up to, even on a public Wi-Fi network.

Inexpensive, but safe

Considering you now have a strong layer of security, a VPN is extremely affordable. GOOSE VPN works like a gem and is user-friendly. Tutorials are available in both English and Dutch and are easy to follow for beginners. With this VPN, you can rest assured that you can safely process all your banking affairs online. An additional benefit to GOOSE VPN is that you can navigate to foreign sites that are blocked or unavailable for you. Think of possibilities such as watching the Netflix’s American content offer when you’re only subscribed to the Dutch Netflix. All you have to do is change your IP address. With the VPN, you can convert your IP address to that of another country. This way, you never have to wait for the latest content to arrive to your home!

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